Red Jacket Orchards Leaving Greenmarket

March 12, 2017
Posted in Greenmarket

A message from Red Jacket Orchards -- 

After more than 25 years with bg视讯, Red Jacket Orchards will no longer be at the weekly Greenmarkets. We are humbled and immensely grateful for the support of our NYC customers—you’ve stood by us at every step, including our challenges with climate issues and crop loss, and we thank you. We are also deeply grateful to bg视讯 and their staff, as well as our own staff at the Greenmarkets.

It is your fierce commitment to local producers that sets the tone for purposeful consuming, and we encourage you to support the local purveyors at the Greenmarkets of NYC. For information about other farms at your market, visit bg视讯. And of course, you will always be able to buy our fresh fruits and delicious cold pressed juices at stores in your community.

Join the April Plastic Cleanse!

March 2, 2017

Help Greenmarket go plastic-free by bringing your own bags while shopping in the markets. New Yorkers dispose of 9.37 billion carryout bags a year, most of which are not recycled. Made from petroleum, plastic bags are contributing to environmental degradation around the world, clogging our oceans, and are an enormous waste of money. Pledge to bring your bags when shopping at Greenmarkets and help us go plastic-free! 

Tips for going plastic-free: 

1. Take the GreeNYC Pledge to bring your own mugs, water bottles, shopping bags and receive a free mug, bottle, or bag to get you started. 

2. Bring a variety of bags. One sturdy, large canvas bag and a few sizes of smaller reusable bags (canvas, mesh, cotton, ect). 

3. If you plan on buying fish, bring a reusable container, like a glass container with a plastic cover. Bring a cooler, lunch bag to store frozen or fresh meat.

4. Buy loaves of bread and instead of taking paper bag/plastic bag, store bread in a cotton bag and slice at home.

5. Compost! Close the loop by collecting your food scraps and dropping them off at our compost sites at most Greenmarkets. Collect your food scraps in an airtight container or a paper bag. Store your food scraps in the freezer to avoid unwanted smells.

6. If you forget to BYOB, you can buy reusable produce bags at the Market Information Tent. 

7. Reduce before you reuse or recycle. It costs money and energy to produce and recycle plastic bags. 

8. Say no thank you if you are offered a plastic bag - you brought your tote so you don't need one! 

9. Go #foamfree and quit using styrofoam for good. Learn more here

Join us for these additional special events and activities to help celebrate the April Plastic Cleanse!

Bag Sales at all Greenmarkets
Canvas tote bags and reusable produce bags will be for sale at most Greenmarkets and availble online. Purchase a starter kit of 1 canvas tote and 4 reusable produce bags for just $15!

GreeNYC at Greenmarkets 
April 3: Union Square Greenmarket 
April 6: Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket 

Plastic Bag Buy Back! 
April 8 & 15: Union Square Greenmarket 
Return your clean/dry and non-biodegradable/compostable plastic bags and receive 5 cents per bag! Participants will participate in a short survey about recycling habits. 

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